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Chapter 8
Track 8.1
soup saw see send sing sack sign sorted soon
Track 8.2
sky straight special steam store Spanish spine sports
Track 8.3
missssstake isssssstake
ssssstake stake
dissssssstract issssssstract
sssssstract stract
misssssspell isssssspell
sssssspell spell
hamssssssstring amsssssstring
msssssssstring sssssstring
Track 8.4
gasss sssstation → assss sssstation → ssssstation → station
bug ssssspray → ug sssspray → ssssspray → spray
train sssstop → ainssssstop → ssssstop → stop
what’s at stake → t’s at stake → at stake → sssssstake → stake
mountain is steep → ountain is steep → is steep → sssssteep → steep
Track 8.5
We need to stop at the gas station.
She spends a lot of money.
The Lakers had a long winning streak.
The Olympic runner has such a long stride.
The crowd scattered over the field.
This stinks!
Please stop by the pet store for more dog food.
I can’t stand that movie!
Track 8.6
spree esprit
strange estrange
steam esteem
state estate
Track 8.7
Track 8.8
Yesterday, I went on a shopping spree at the Esprit store.
Sherlock was fascinated with the strange case of the estranged wife and her missing husband.
He was confident, his self-esteem high and overflowing, like a teapot bursting with steam.
The citizens were in various states of panic when they saw their estates were in flames.
Track 8.9
speak station scream stare ski stay standard skills
smiles scared sky spinal sports Spanish special bug spray
steep scattered spoiled train stop special storefront spilled milk
spending United States Doctor Strange stand by me state secrets
spelling mistakes snoring snail
Track 8.10
That store has plenty of staples, like vegetables and meat.
The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain.
Hold this string steady, please.
The snail spoke to the stock and beasts of the stable.
My spelling seems to stay stuck in 3rd grade!
Track 8.11
The scientist was a polar bear specialist.
There were eight street fighters that started the riot.
There were five special Scottish dogs that guarded the sheep.
The doctor said she broke her scapula.
That scandal destroyed the family’s reputation.
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