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Chapter 10
Get Into The Groove

Track 10.1

Ana: Which car is yours?
Brian: It's the Mercedes over there, the
blue one. 

Track 10.2

Ana: Ah! That one on the left. 

Brian: No, no. The
dark blue one on the right. 

Track 10.3

Tom: There must be more than a million book in this library.

Dan: No no, there are definitely not that many, maybe more like a

Track 10.4

Ricardo: Pablo's favorite food is Paella Valenciana, but Ana hates rice. 

Track 10.5

Carlota woke up early this morning to go for a run, while Carmen has been sleeping all day. 

Track 10.6

When a dog bites a man, it isn't news. When a man bites a dog, it is news.

Track 10.7

Claire: What have you done? This is a disaster!

James: Didn't you ask me to buy 6 flowers for your mother?

Claire: No, I asked you to buy

Track 10.8

I asked her to give me seven eggs from that store last night. (I asked her, Juan Manuel didn’t ask her..)

asked her to give me seven eggs from that store last night. (I asked her, not demanded of her...).

I asked
her to give me seven eggs from that store last night. (I asked her, not Mary...)

I asked her to
buy me seven eggs from that store last night. (buy me the eggs, not sell them...)

I asked her to give
me seven eggs from that store last night. (give the eggs to me, not to my brother...)

I asked her to give me
seven eggs from that store last night. (seven eggs, not 12...)

I asked her to give me seven
eggs from that store last night. (eggs, not fish...)

I asked her to give me seven eggs from
that store last night. (that store, not the other one...)

I asked her to give me seven eggs from that
store last night. (from the store, not the street market...)

I asked her to give me seven eggs from that store
last night. (last night, not this

Track 10.9

What did you buy?
¿qué compraste?

What did YOU buy?
¿qué compraste tú?

WHEN did you buy that?
¿cuándo compraste eso?

When did you buy THAT?
¿cuándo compraste eso de ahí?

Track 10.10

Fui a la tienda a comprar naranjas, pero estaban agotadas, así que tuve que comprar manzanas. 

Track 10.11

I went to the store to buy oranges, but they were sold out, so I had to buy apples. 

Track 10.12

Boys play sports.
The boys play the sports.
The boys will play the sports. 
The boys will have played the sports. 

Track 10.13

I can't believe that is the team that won the race. In the last trial, the driver barely made it to the top 10 finishing positions. 

Track 10.14

She and I went to the store. 
Should I order the fish or the pasta?
I don't have to do that!
She cooked one of the best dishes ever!
We can share the pizza.
The cat is under the table. 
Real Madrid beat them easily.
You should have eaten breakfast. 


Track 10.15

keep speaking    pet dragon   French kiss
big shoes    let down    sick cat    
speak Spanish    ask him. 

Track 10.16

green neck    hat trick    gas station   
black cat   if Fiona    goal line    
yellow wheel    bad dog

Track 10.17

blow it    grey eyes    play on     see it
fly away    say everything 

Track 10.18

ask about     stop it    eat it    bring on 
   fake it    start it    find her

Track 10.19

Mary: I heard that you aunt is coming for dinner.

Laura: No, not my aunt. It's my cousin who is coming. 

Track 10.20

She ran all the way to the store. 

This cake costs more than 150 euros!

The ball is under the net. 

Their employee has stolen a lot of products from the store. 

Instead of eating dinner, my cat slept until midnight. 

Dolphins really love sardines, although they are known to eat the occasional sandwich. 

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